This post has been edited. I realized I probably should not use my sponsor's name, or the full name of the meeting, in order to preserve the anonymity of those concerned.
The very first time I walked into the D**** After Work Group, I slipped into a chair, and slid down, hiding, hoping that no one would notice me.
No such luck.
"Hi! I'm M****!"
I turned to see who had spoken these words, and my gaze was met by a pair of sparkling bluegreen eyes, set in an attractive, tanned face, framed by impossibly platinum blonde hair.
But, what I saw first was that grin. A grin that I couldn't help but return.
This past Tuesday, M**** became my sponsor. And she's taking the job seriously. She's already given me a Step 1 assignment, to make a list of 300 things over which I'm powerless (easier said than done, believe me). She also has me reading from the Big Book and from the 12&12. And, I'm going to meetings every day (still working on my 90 in 90!), and calling her every day. I'm trying to make sure I take time each morning to read and pray, at least for a few minutes.
She wants me to get this as much as I want to get it.
We had a celebration meeting tonight. Four people received medallions, including my sponsor, M****. It was a wonderful meeting, full of joy, laughter and applause. I was so happy to be a part of it, and to know that someday, a year from now, that will be me up there, as long as I keep doing what's suggested. As long as I keep doing those things each day. One day at a time.
I made a card for M****, in honor of her one-year anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of it, but here's a re-creation of it:
we will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace
Inside, I wrote:
I see in you such beauty, joy and serenity.
You truly have something I want for myself.
You are such an inspiration to me,
and to so many others, as well.
Congratulations on your first year of sobriety.
I know there are many more to come!
You truly have something I want for myself.
You are such an inspiration to me,
and to so many others, as well.
Congratulations on your first year of sobriety.
I know there are many more to come!
Sponsor! Woo! You're ahead of me. Good for you.
DG, you are beautiful.
Sounds like M**** is just the right sponsor for you! How wonderful.
Wow. Very cool. Glad you're sober!! Way to go!
I am dissappointed that the only way to sustainable sobriety seems to be through AA, all the teachings of which is based on religious grounds. As an atheist and an ultra realist, there is just no way I will ever believe in a higher power. So, what are the options for people like me?
izzywitch: Hi. I'm not an expert on this topic, by any means. You have to find what works for you. There are other options/methods (e.g., AVRT is one that comes to mind). You do need to realize, however, that AA suggests trusting in and relying on a Higher Power, a god of YOUR UNDERSTANDING. That can be any source you trust to give you strength, accountability, encouragement, and support. Some, who cannot abide the G-word, assign the letters as an acronymn to Good Orderly Direction, or Group Of Drunks (other recovering alcoholics). I'm sure others are much more qualified to give you a more comprehensive and satisfying answer.
So, yo! -- others, please feel free to weigh in with an opinion or some advice for our friend here.
(Would this perhaps be a topic for Sobriety Society??)
istanbulwitch, the way to do AA as a non-believer is to get an athiest sponsor. We have several at our club, there are lots out there that have done it without believing in God. Good luck.
DG, it's Sunday and it's time for a new topic on SS. Just leave one at the end of the last meeting or email me and I'll post it.
Lovely card, congratulations on getting a sponsor and good luck with that list. You are doing good work here, keep it up and keep sharing.
Thanx to everyone who responded,
especially to DG.
Dear everybody, see, it alll comes back to find a higher power than yourself.
That's the first principle of any religion. To find somebody you think is higher than yourself that you have to worship to.
What if you don't believe in the whole issue to begin with?
IW:Um, I think we attempted to answer you to the best of our ability. You can choose to respectfully disagree with what we've chosen, and what works for us, including our beliefs, whatever they may be. I, in turn, respectfully request that you not turn the comments section of my blog into your personal debate forum.
Whoooo hoooo!!!! That is so flippin awesome. I am beyond happy for you DG, already I am learning of some growth. This has been a fear of your for some time, and now you have walked thru it beginning a new chapter in your life! Write until that hand cramps, lol, I am so jazzed of this news.
Oh yes, how wonderful and considerate of you to express your gratitude back to your sponsor :)
Good for you designer girl!! You are working it!
Peace to you...
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