Sunday, October 08, 2006

30 Days

Today is 30 days of continuous sobriety for me!!! I had just about given up on reaching this goal, that is until 30 days ago! In celebration, I thought a list of 30 things I'm grateful for would be most appropriate. So, without further ado...

30 Things I'm Grateful For Today:
  1. 30 days of continuous sobriety. (Duh!)

  2. The women's group I discovered 28 days ago.

  3. The women in the women's group who have what I want.

  4. My husband and his support.

  5. My home group and their support.

  6. My blogging buds and budettes and their support

  7. My awesome sponsor, M.

  8. My favorite guys in my home group, D and K.

  9. My other favorite guy, J, who visits my home group almost every weekend, and urged me to go ahead and ask M to be my sponsor.

  10. G, who says she's going to ask to give out the chips at tonight's meeting so she can be the one to give me my 30 day chip.

  11. A program which gives me tools to USE in place of my former abUSE of alcohol.

  12. Powerlessness.

  13. The Serenity Prayer.

  14. Edy's Peppermint Stick Ice Cream.

  15. The miracle of the slow-churning process (half the fat, yet all the creaminess -- how DO they do that???).

  16. Being able to buy my winter clothes at summer clothing clearance sales, because where I live, it's always summer.

  17. Palm trees.

  18. Butterflies.

  19. Tropical flowers.

  20. Songbirds.

  21. Kitties, especially my Boots.

  22. T's coming to last night's meeting (even though obviously very high on something), and picking up a white chip.

  23. That the chip I pick up tonight will NOT be white!

  24. That the physical cravings for alcohol seem to be diminishing significantly.

  25. That I'm learning to identify what triggers the urge to drink (for me), and am dealing with those issues as they come up in a healthier way.

  26. That this journey is a journey.

  27. That this process is a process.

  28. That although AA may not be the right way for everyone, it seems to be the right way for me.

  29. For those of you who told me that slips are serious and eventually would take me out permanently.

  30. For Scott W telling me for the umpteenth time to Just Do It.


Jen R. said...

30 days is big! Congratulations...I am so happy for you. Your posts are wonderful, and just know that amazing growth happens every month the first year if you keep working the program!

Thinking of you!

dAAve said...

WOW!! 30 Days!!
I am so glad you Kept Coming Back and finally "got it."
You were so anti-sober there for awhile, I had my doubts. Thanks for showing me (all of us) that everything is possible.
You are not unique, but you are special.

Trudging said...

Happy 30 days buddy! Or is it hAAppy?

Scott W said...

Yea!!! You just did it!

Congratulations on your first 30 days! Thanks for helping me stay sober.

JJ said...

Congratulations on 30 days. You rock! Recovery Rocks!
I see you,

Unknown said...

1) Yayayayaya!!!! 30days!!!! You ROCK!!!!

2) HUGE bear ((((hugs)))) and a big *muah*

3) What a rockin template!

Mary Christine said...

Thirty Days without a Drink is a BIG, BIG Deal! Congratulations! And keep coming back!

Recovery Road London said...

What everone else has already beaten me to saying!

I remember my first 30 days...and it got better and better...a day at a time. Well doen- proud of you/for you.




Redhead Gal said...


You ROCK, girlfriend! I am so proud of you!

Carly said...

HAPPY, *H*A*P*P*Y* 30 Days, Girlfriend! Way to go! I am soooooo proud of you, and pleased for you, that you reached this HUGE milestone! How awesome to celebrate with your 30 gratitudes list! I wish I could've been there in person to see you pick up your chip tonight. It's 8:15 Florida time so maybe it's happening right now! I'm with you in spirit. YAY! YAY! YAYYYYYYYY!

P.S. Day 31 rocks too. :)

Lots of love from your sobriety sistah!

Scott M. Frey said...

hey girl, big happy 30 day sober hugs to ya!!! congrats, keep coming back!!! awesome!!!

Shannon said...

RIGHT ON DESIGNER GURL!!! Happy 30 dyas!!!!

Gooey Munster said...

Whooo Hoooo, 30 days. Yes this is something to celebrate. How wonderful the miracle, and it is even better to see you grow.

Are you smiling, well if you aren't you should be!


Anonymous said...

Yay! 30 days! That is SOOO awesome, girl!

Congratulations. You can do this!

JJ said...

I finally got around to adding you to my links :)
I see you,

Amerynthe said...

Well done on a full 30 days! From where I'm sitting (I'm on day 10 ...) it still seems a long way off but with all the support and the fantastic blogs I'm reading, I know I can do it.

Congrats again!

jake said...

And all this under the Florida Sun....awesome!.....congrats on your 30 days!

Pam Jarnagin said...

Thanks so much, everyone!!! I couldn't have done it without your encouragement. I'll post a photo of my gorgeous 1-month chip for HNT! :D

Just a man trying to get by said...

Way to go!!! Congrats! Keep on working it baby!

Alcoholic Brain said...

WOW! What a change in you from the first few times I came here. This 30 days is a miracle! Isn't recovery cool??!! Damn straight! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

A Belated Happy 30 days to you. Keep it going!!!