Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Sorry! Just could not resist the urge to do something a little creepy for that creepiest of all holidays, All Hallows Eve. :D

Don't worry boys and ghouls; things will be back to "normal" the day after tomorrow.

In the meantime, have a very scary Halloween, and don't gorge on candy and make yourselves sick. Just remember if you do, though, you never have to feel that way again!!   ;)

Update: If you missed it, you can see it here.


Rhea said...

I adore Halloween. Here in Boston there is a big bike ride (about 150 riders), all costumed, many freaky. We ride into Harvard Square and take over the city of Cambridge!
The Boomer Chronicles

Mary Christine said...

Wow. That is so cool. I feel like a remedial blogger.

Alcoholic Brain said...

Very cool! Glad you will get better! LOL

Anonymous said...

Woah -- creepy theme!

Happy Halloween :)

sincerelysober said...

I like the theme. I should visit downtown Saint Paul tonight with my camera and capture some frightening Halloween costumes.

Happy Halloween!

Without Wax,
An honest, live, interactive self-portrayal of one man's quest of recovery.

Grace said...

Ha ha, I love it!! Happy Halloween :-)

Gooey Munster said...

MuahHAAHAAhaaaa, you rock girl-friend. Happy Halloween, be safe. See you in November!

Carly said...

You make me laugh, ghoulfriend! xoxo

Just a man trying to get by said...

Woooow! Creepy!


Scott W said...

Very clever!