I feel like maybe I wasn't clear in what I was trying to communicate in that last post, and I need to clarify things a bit...
I'm really OKAY, even GOOD right now. Rereading the post, I can see how what I wrote might be perceived as negativity, but that is far from what I'm actually feeling or experiencing. This has been a real turning point, a breakthrough moment, even an epiphany for me.
I have a lot of HOPE and a lot of SERENITY right now.
What I meant to convey is that I'm facing up to what I don't like, knowing that it's NOT forever, that what's past IS in the past, and that I CAN move forward from here.
Most importantly, I'm NOT RUNNING AWAY from it by drinking.
I'm NOT dwelling on it, or wallowing in it.
Maybe I was wallowing and dwelling last week, but the point of the post is that I'm ready to move beyond wallowing and dwelling, and start growing.
And, I'm good. I really, really am in a good, healthy place.
A growing place.
Hey Girl ;),
Since I am reading this post b~4 the last I am a bit out of the loop. What it sounds like is your going through the process. I seem to go through certain stages when processing things in my life. Sometimes it can be just sitting in the stuff for a bit. I have heard it called the brown jacuzzi. In anycase, for me that is part of how I get to the next part, acceptance maybe or action if required. Each event, revelation, experience has a process for me. Even spending the day with friends. I get home and have a need to unwind and disconnect, next run through events in my head (10th step) and finally to be OK with everything or discuss what I'm not OK with then pray about it. OK ~ I am blah blah blahing up your comments
Hang in there!
Sounds like progress to me.
So happy for you, girl! Keep it up!
Good for you! Sounds like all is well!
You are cute the way your template changes. :)
You are entitled to feel icky, to feel happy, sad, angry, joy and so on. These are your emotions and they should be allowed to exist. How we react to them by not picking up and processing them is the most important thing. Keep feeling girl, they make a beautiful you!
Stay sober! You are growing every day...
Makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my goodness and here you go again. LMAO about your new theme. I really like this one, it is elegant, girly and gentle.
Sober Chick: ROFL!! I know, I know. I just couldn't decide what I wanted to do. The Wonder Woman theme was fun, but that was a variation on one that I'd done for my linkware templates at one time, and there are issues about using licensed images, etc., so I'd actually taken that template off of my linkware site. I thought it would be best to go with something new and more "generic" in a sense. I like this image very much. It's fun, but calming, too. I don't think I'll get tired of very soon, so I plan on keeping it for a while!
This is gorgeous! Hope you post soon.
LOL@Tab!!! Girl, I don't rob the banks. I chase down the robbers and kick their butts! Then, demurely return all the money, without any expectation of a reward, other than the reward of keeping our world safe for yet another day.
Thanks, Carly! I like this one, too. (See the new postiness above this one.)
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