Okay, officially this doesn't qualify as HNT material 'cuz I'm not in it, but this is the path I ran this morning, courtesy Google Earth. I don't know if you can see the teeny-tiny numbers, but it's 2.04 miles! Up until today, I hadn't made it to the 2 mile mark. I'll never catch up with Mary Christine, but that's okay. I'm doing this for me, for my health (mental and physical), and my serenity, which is CRUCIAL to my sobriety. Come see some of my fellow runners in this race known as sober living at Half-nAAked Thursday.
Hey. That's a cool idea for a HNT post. V.good. V.original.
I want the girl in the red boots on your sidebar. That's not too much to ask now, is it?! Dammit!
Lol. Sorry. Coffee/steroids ineraction. I'll calm down in a mo.
I'm too old to run now. I've done my running when I was young and foolish!
Greeting from Malaysia
Good for you girl! I hate running with a passion... so I bike and do some other things.
Olive was so impressed by Boot's blog she begged my to create one for her. Guess what I will be doing tonight. We should have it ready to go by tomorrow.
Thanks Boots, Olive sends her love to ya!
And you running gal, that is great work. It helps to see it visually. Take care of those feet.
Happy HNT!
You rock! I am so thrilled. I have not run for a week now, so you have got way more miles than me this week!
Way to go!!! I find that walking 2 miles every evening does me SO much good. That's when I have some good conversations with HP!
Have a fun and SAFE ski trip!!!
It's wonderful that you are up and moving. Have a blessed holiday season.
Stopping by to wish you a merry Christmas. Live up girl (but in the clean and sober way).
Thanks for being here and a part of my recovery. You add more color to it and for that I am very grateful.
merry xmas!
Merry Christmas! :)
Hope this X-mas has been good to you! I miss your posts!!
Sending you hugs and air kissed (or cheek to cheek).
Hope you're well.
Happy New Year and all the best for 2007.
Hey, all. I'm okay; just been out of town, visiting my parents, and haven't had much access to the computer and Internet. I'll post an update either later today or tomorrow. I promise!!
Happy New Year!
happy new year and may all your wishes be fulfilled in 2007.
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