I went to Celebrate Recovery tonight, and had not even thought about being able to pick up my 3 year medallion. What a nice surprise! There's something about being given that little piece of brass that makes it more tangible, more real. I really have done this, remained sober, and mostly grown and matured for 3 whole years now. It's okay to still have doubts and fears, but to recognize them and face and walk through them is the key to longtime survival and continued growth. I am at a scary, tenuous place right now, getting ready to quit my job at the end of this week without having anything else lined up or even sketched out, but I am at peace because I know I made this decision in accordance with my Higher Power's will and direction. I am also at a very exciting, challenging place. I am stepping into the unknown, but I know Someone is there to catch me should I fall, Someone who is walking beside me, and lighting the way before me. I am not alone.
way to go! be proud!!!
Yes,it is I the former Cupcake monkey.And I am pleased to have
rediscovered each others bloggies.
You keep doing what you need to for your journey - for today.It keeps adding up from days to weeks,months and years.You sound like you already know that now though..Great post!
I look forwards to visiting your words here again soon.
thank you for sharing.
Happy Birthday!
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