Sunday, August 27, 2006


I'm so depressed, overwhelmed, and hopeless that I have no energy to post anything. I can't face this day after day.

I went to a meeting yesterday morning and it totally sucked. I felt utterly alone. Only one person spoke to me afterward.

I don't want to drink. I just want to die.


Lee said...

Hang on, wait a minnit—

Can't do the 12-step talk, but am able/ willing/available to listen.

No preaching, no condemnation, just here.

Silverslip on iChat/AIM/AOL

zVr000m on Yahoo! Instant Messenger.

AKA: Edge of Sobriety on Blogger.

Unknown said...

Hey girl. Sorry to hear you are struggling. I have been there. It is a hard place to be. Please know you are really not alone. I wish I could take your pain but I can't. Just don't drink. No matter what. If you need extra help please get it. Any and all lengths. Hold on tight and don't let go.

Sending prayers out to you ~ you are NOT alone.


Carly said...

Sweetie, you are NOT alone! That is your disease talkin'. Do you have a phone list? This is what it's for. Not chit chat, but HELP. Call someone. PRAY. It works. You're worth it! These shitty feelings of utter despair pass -- believe me, I have them every other day! DON'T DRINK. Love & hugs... xoxo

Just a man trying to get by said...

I felt the same tonight, but understand it is my disease talking as I am newly sober... not to mention the serotonin levels in my brain flucuate like a freaking roller coaster! I pray you will get through it!

Trudging said...

It is the disease talking. Keep going to those meeting and get outside help if you need it.

dAAve said...

It can be tough sometimes because we feel things that we used to numb with drugs or alcohol. Now we have to actually feel them, kind of like a human is supposed to.

You say that only 1 person talked to you.
My question to you is (just like my sponsor always asks me) ...
How many did you speak to?

Pam Jarnagin said...

Thanks, everyone. I'm MUCH better now. Just was REALLY down for awhile, there.

dAAve: I know I can speak to people, and should, but they had gone around the group, with everyone being given a chance to say something, and I made a point of saying I had JUST moved here (at that point, not even a week ago), and that it was the first meeting I'd gone to in Dania, and I was trying to find meetings. I think if the shoe had been on the other foot, I would have made an effort to talk to the new person.