Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just Checkin' In

This has to be short, because we're going out to dinner in a few minutes (one of the few nice things about not having my kitchen set up yet!). I'll post more tomorrow, or maybe even later tonight (including pics of Boots in his new home), but just wanted to let y'all know we made it here safe and sound, and for now, still sober (and my mother-in-law came with us and is still here, so some Herculean effort is involved here).

Oh, and some REALLY good news: Pope Joe is back!!! Stop over and say "hi" and let him know he's loved.

More to come later...

I'm too freakin' tired to add anything tonight. And tomorrow is another day.


Trudging said...

Glad to hear from you!

Just a man trying to get by said...

Glad to hear you are sober!!

Carly said...

Good to hear from you and that you're sober!

Unknown said...

Well since I am a newbie to your blog I am guessin ya just moved? OK ~ glad your kitchen is not set up ~ leave it till last (big grin)

Read ya soon,

dAAve said...

one post at a time
one day at a time

Scott W said...

don't drink
find a meeting
talk to another alcoholic

keep coming back

stay in touch with us

Gooey Munster said...

Hey DG,

Glad to hear you are settling in. I hope you discover from great recovery out there and new supporting peeps.

Pam Jarnagin said...

Hey, everyone! Thanks so much for checking in on me. You ALL rock!!!

Sorry about the FTP (Failure To Post), but it is CRAZY around here, and I don't even have time to visit everyone's blogs regularly, much less post.

I'll try to do a nice long one (witht the promised photos) this weekend.

Found a meeting I'm going to try tonight (one for beginners, so maybe I can go ahead and get a sponsor SOON).

Tab: I chronicled Boots's move somewhat, so I've got LOTS of pics of him. Gave him a hug and a kiss from you. He was indifferent, but he is when they come from me, too, so don't take it personally.

Gwen: Thanks for visiting! Yeah, I JUST moved to Dania Beach, FL (this past Sunday), and am still in the midst of unpacking. I'm milking the "kitchen not yet set up" thing for all it's worth, believe me!