Friday, November 10, 2006

Nothing New Under the Sun

Hey, guys and girls. I'm okay. Just dealing with some stuff, and need to process it some more internally before I post anything about it, and even then, I'm not sure it's stuff I want to share with everyone in cyberspace, so I may not post anything about it ever (it's probably more 4th and 5th Step in nature). I will say, it's not anything new. Just old junk. It's got to come out, but in the proper context.

I started the South Beach Diet on Monday, and feel really good physically, so that's a big plus. I'm going to start jogging regularly and doing some really light free weights. I know it will help a lot with the blue moods I've been experiencing lately. Plus, I've got to get in shape for ski season (going to Vail in January, and Snowmass in February!!).

So that's it. I'm on Day 62. My sponsor's been away on a cruise this week, and I've been playing hooky from all things AA. I did go to my Wednesday night women's meeting, and had dinner with "the girls" prior to the meeting, but that's all, and that's not a good thing. I will get my sorry butt to a meeting tomorrow, fo sho.

I haven't had any terribly strong urges to drink, but I can sense that shift in my thinking that begins so quickly and so insidiously when I'm not vigilant and purposeful about my sobriety. I had a very difficult struggle in the grocery store last night when I couldn't find cooking wine, and almost gave up and bought regular wine. Thankfully, The Voice (who dAAve says is my HP) helped me play out the result of that scenario, and then, just as I had made up my mind to ask someone where the cooking wine was, one of the employees asked me if I needed help finding something and told me exactly where to find it.

Now, was that a God thing, or what?!


dAAve said...

Stay vigilant and purposeful.
Your sponsor's location has nothing to do with your attendance. Or it shouldn't.
Have a great weekend!!

Carly said...

Hi darlin', glad to see your post. Your disease wants you to skip meetings, play hooky, rebel, slack off. It wants to loosen your grip so it can sneak back in and have its way with you.

I tossed out all recipes that called for wine. Threw out red wine vinegar, too. I have to be black&white about alcohol and consume none of any kind.

Sorry if this reads terse ... I'm struggling too and am writing more to myself than anything.

Love you!

Gooey Munster said...

Good to hear that you are allowing for the emotions to exist and not suppress them. We are emotional beings, it is what makes our spirits so colorful. You have the formula to change that thinking, you know what to do ;)


Mary Christine said...

I hope you got to a meeting. Glad you are coming to Colorado. It is very very nice here.

Redhead Gal said...

Hope you had a great weekend!

Just a man trying to get by said...

When you yourself recgonize you slacking off, you gotta pick it up! I skipped one meeting, last night, and I feel my brain slowly slipping into self.

I look forward to my meeting tonight! Thanks for the post.
