Sunday, January 07, 2007

120 Days

Yay me.

I'm excited about the 120 days.


I'm just so darn frustrated with Blogger that it's got me pissed off about everything else at this moment.

Pardon me for a sec.


Serenity now! Serenity NOW! SERENITY NOW!!!!!

There. That's better.

(I think I may be a little hormonal for some reason.)

P.S. I've disabled the word verification feature and made it so anyone can comment. I'll see how that goes. Hopefully, that will make it easier for those of you who want to comment but have been frustrated by having to jump through all the hoops (and hopefully, I won't get slammed with spam).

Or it could be that I have no friends and no one wants to comment. Yeah... that's probably it, isn't it? No one likes me. Might as well go eat worms. :D


Hannen said...

I asked everyone and decided not to switch to the new blogger. I was worried I wouldn't be able to switch back. Sorry it's not working out for you. I imagine, at some point, they'll make me switch wether I want to or not. Oh well, One day at a time. In case this comes as an unknown the name is Hannen. Peace.

Pammie said...

I'm frustrated with blogger this weekend, because there are several blogs that I just can't get just gives me an error message.....and several that the comments section, won't let me on.
oh well...........congrats on the 120.....that's awesome!!!

ArahMan7 said...

It took some time for me to post a comment. I nearly give up.

Greeting and friend from Malaysia

Grace said...

I'm your friend :-) Blogger will probably settle, sounds like a few are having probs

Trudging said...

Wow, time flies...congrats!

Meg Moran said...

gawd please don't eat worms..... eat estrogen! 120 days whhhooooopee

dAAve said...


Mary Christine said...

LOL Meg. I concur! Hormone Replacement Therapy is the greatest innovation of the 20th century.

Recovery Road London said...

120? Yeeeeeeeeeee-ha! :-D Don't get me started...

Gooey Munster said...

Saweeet! Yay you. I love your energy even though Blogger may iterupt some of the serenity. That prayer works wonders.

Anonymous said...

Alrighty then....120. Woohoo!!


Pam Jarnagin said...

Thanks, everyone, for leaving encouraging, humorous, and sweet comments. I'm better today. Figuring out how to get "my" template back up helped alot, too ('cuz it makes me feel like I'm more in control ;-) ).

Meg and MC, you are so right. I feel like I'm back to the beginning stages of menopause (unreal hot flashes, insonmia, DRASTIC mood swings, etc.). As soon as I get back from Vail, I'll start looking for a new doctor and get scheduled for an appointment so I can get back on HRT.

Just a man trying to get by said...

I won't comment on the menopause, but I feel your frustation with computers.

Computers can drive you bananas. Bananas I tell ya, Bananas!

Tennessee Santa said...

120 is a great number, keep on trudging.

Shadow said...

congrats! yay! wonderful! keep it up!!!!!!!