Monday, January 08, 2007



It's a word we use a lot in AA.

Most of the time, I think I've heard it, and certainly understood it, relative to the concept of powerlessness. We admit that we are powerless over alcohol, and then surrender our desire to drink, our desire to have power over the desire to drink, our desire to control our drinking over to God, or at least God or a Higher Power as we understand him (or her or it or them). It's the waving of the white flag (and hence, the white chip) that signals to our peers and to ourselves AND to God, "I give up. You win. Take it."

I think that concept is valid. I could be wrong on a point or two here, or oversimplifying, but overall, that at least has been my understanding of surrender.

Last night my understanding of surrender grew.

A person who is a friend of my husband, but whom I personally dislike, was coming to stay at our house overnight so that R could drive him to the airport early this morning. There are a number of reasons I do not like this person, some reasonable, and some not. I was in a bad mood, depressed and irritable all day, and my mood was growing worse as evening approached.

I thought about drinking. R was going to be gone for over an hour while he went to pick this guy up from where he's been staying. I knew I had a window where I could run to the grocery store and get a bottle of wine. I entertained the idea for about 90 seconds, then decided I'd better hurry up and get dinner going so I could get to the women's meeting at 7:00 PM.

Somehow, I miscalculated the time I needed to cook, and so at 6:53 PM, I was just pulling the pork roast and herb-roasted sweet potatoes from the oven, and seasoning the steamed green beans. I knew I wasn't going to make it to the meeting. I just wanted to sit down on the kitchen floor and sob.

That was a choice I could make. Another would be to storm around, muttering under my breath, slamming doors and drawers and thinking murderous thoughts (because, after all, if it hadn't been for R's friend, WHOM I CAN'T STAND, this wouldn't be happening!!!). Or option number 3: I could pray and ask God to help me to accept this situation, be a gracious hostess, enjoy the delicious meal I'd made, and endeavor to make the evening enjoyable for all of us.

I chose the third option.

It dawned on me then that the reason I had briefly entertained the thought of drinking was up until four months ago, that was the only way I knew how to get through a situation like this. Once I'd had a glass of wine or a shot of vodka, I could calm down, and accept the situation and try to make the best of it. I realized, I DON'T NEED TO DO THAT NOW!!! Instead of drinking, I prayed, I made a conscious choice to turn my will over to God, and I let him direct me in the action I needed to take, and then took that action.

I still don't like R's friend, and I still don't like him staying with us, or even coming around, but I know I now have the tools to handle the awkwardness and discomfort I feel in those situations without drinking or being a bitch, and that's freakin' awesome.


Pammie said...

That was beautifully put. Just successfully used the tools! That is exceptional growth for us.....anytime we pick a tool (symbol of work) over the quick fix.

Scott W said...

Wow. I know growth when I see it. Congrats!

tkdjunkie said...

That's awesome! You're using those tools very well. So happy for you :)

dAAve said...

Will you be my sponsor?

Mary Christine said...

What a great testament to AA you are!

Tennessee Santa said...

That prayer thing must have worked good.

Anonymous said...

You are writing more and more vividly everytime I come visit you Designer Girl! Awesome post.
I am back..missed ya'll too much .
Love Tab xo

ArahMan7 said...

Wise choice. I'm happy for you.

Greeting from Malaysia

Grace said...

Good for you, I could learn a lot from that post :-)

Anonypus said...

Oh how I can relate! And in the end, when I DON'T take that drink my faith gets even stronger in my HP.

Good for you Girl!

Carly said...

Right the fuck on, girlfriend! I'm glad you wrote this down. It's a *definite* aha moment you get to draw on the rest of your life. Love you!

Gooey Munster said...

Heck ya prayer kicks butt!!!! I am there with ya sista. If you seek this healing, trust in something greater than you and surrender it you will discover that you could handle situations that you could not before.

Like a flower in spring, you are definately blooming.

Unknown said...

Thanks for writing out your decision making thought process. What a gift you could go for your third option. Sooooo hard to do at times but with God's help is doable.

Thanks again!

Just a man trying to get by said...

Thank you for your post. I know how you feel. I found myself entertaining the thought, and know that way only ends in a dark tunnel of isolation and despair for me. So I pray and try my best to turn things over.

Progres not perfection... no matter how bad we feel, it will get better. And it will only get worse if we choose that dark path.

Peace be with you...

Anonymous said...

What a great post of your experience, strength, and hope, DG. I really hear you growing. Sorry I missed your 6 months, girl! You rock!
The surrender thing took a long to really make it from my head to my heart. And I kept hearing, "you'll know, when you know." And that would, if course, irritate me.
But guess what? I knew when I knew that I truly had.....surrendered!
Peace and congrats and Thank YOU!

Meg Moran said...

I'm ashamed to say I did some stomping around and muttering under my breath last night...your post was just what I needed....funny how this program works huh? Thanks!

Trudging said...

Well put!

Pam Jarnagin said...

Scott W: :)

Scout: Oh, honey I wish it were 6 months. It's 4, though, so still waaay better than I've done before!

Anonymous said...

Well put and done padowan...
I once heard that surrender means you are joining the winning side.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you mean 30 x 6 doesn't = 120?? I am so math imparied, DG, it isn't even funny! I don't think that side of my brain even works. lol!
o.k. Happy 4 months and I am sorry I missed that one, too, girl!
Peace and congrats,

Scott W said...

Did you have a good Friday?

Mary-Anne said...

Congratulations on 120 days. Fantastic! May the miracle of the program continue to carry and lift your spirit. BTW... luv the boots

Meg Moran said...

Ok you're kinda quiet...traveling? sking? Whats up Buttercup?

Gooey Munster said...

Stopping by to send you Monday love. How are you?

Shannon said...

Ha I can totally relate with blaming the person who is inconviencing me ( in my mind) and run around like a crazy lady slamming cupboards boards or what not... BUT I know for me too when I pray... its amazing the grace that does come over me. I am so glad you shared this.

Pammie said...

just stopping by to see ya girl. come back and post soon....I miss your sense of humor.

Recovery Road London said...

All good stuff. Program in action!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are well. I miss your posts, DG. Come back soon.

Anonymous said...

Miss you. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it great, we always, always have choices!

Anonymous said...

Like Carly said two comments above....

Anonymous said... there?

Anonymous said...

z z z z z z z z

Shadow said...

it's all about breaking our habits, isn't it.... you're doing great!