Saturday, March 24, 2007

Self Analysis

Hey, all. Everything's going okay. This week was a little difficult because I was inexplicably very volatile emotionally. I kept having those out-of-body moments where I'd be looking at this irrational woman ranting on and on about something absolutely trivial, and knowing that woman was none other than me. I was out of control, and knew it, but just unable to stop. At least I didn't drink, although I was bombarded by intense cravings from out of the blue on several occasions, and certainly fantasized about it before bringing myself up short and derailing those little mind trips.

I'm not sure what's going on. In a lot of ways, I feel like I back to where I was 4 to 5 months ago, and I guess that's pretty accurate in terms of where I was then and where I am now since my last drink. It's just hard to wrap my head around the undeniable fact that a week-long binge puts me back at square one, not just mentally, but apparently, physically, too. I think this is just the systemic "purge" that goes on for a while once you stop putting alcohol into your body. I'd forgotten how shitty that feels, and it's one more of those little factoids that shows me why exactly my life is so much more enjoyable and manageable without alcohol.

The one thing that helps me deal with the physical part of this is running. The days I don't run are the days I find myself depressed, moody, and volatile. I need to start crosstraining on the days I don't run.

I registered to enter my Very First Race. Ever. (Okay, not including elementary school PE.) It's a 5K called Tour of the Gables, and it's 3 weeks from today. I've pretty much been running this distance as my "normal" run, so I don't think endurance will be a problem. I do want to try to increase my speed, though, so I'm going to be focusing more on that in these weeks preceding the race.

I'm worried I'm getting too thin (ha! never thought I'd say that again...), so I think for the next week, I'm going to keep a food journal to monitor my caloric intake. I think what's happened here is that I adjusted my diet to lose weight and eat healthily over the past 4 months, but now that I'm exercising a lot more and am at (really beyond) my goal weight, I need to add back more complex carbs than I have (primarily whole grains, as I'm eating quite a few vegetable and fruit servings a day). I may need to add more protein, too, and maybe more good fat. Anyway, a food journal will help me to analyze and pinpoint what needs to change.

Gotta go. It's getting light and today's my day for a longer run, so I want to get out early.


Just a man trying to get by said...

Hope you are doing well. When I feel all those feelings, I find I am not taking the action that is needed. For me that includes: commitments, meetings, calling people, and putting myself out there in the program.

Working out is very important to me as well.

One day at a time...


Mary Christine said...

I think it is very positive that you are talking about this stuff instead of planning how to get a drink.

Running burns a LOT of calories. You can eat a lot and not gain weight (which is one of the reasons I love it). Be good to yourself.

Grace said...

Hormones, hormones??! Wow, getting too thin? I must take up this running, I'm proud to have been walking a bit this week, I'll have to speed up!!

Michael said...

Message From Noor
I'm sorry, Michael. I'm in a Cyber Cafe in town right now. I can't get access to my Internet since last Friday's night. I guess my CPU was struck down by lightning. I forgot to take out the telephone line and I pay dearly for my carelessness.

I can't always go to my friends' house just to use their computer and this Cyber Cafe are using, most of them are using dial-up connection and it took ages for anything to get loaded. I didn't get the chance to visit all my Recovery Friends' blog and I hope you will spread the words around about my predicaments whenever you visit them.

I'm reaching out for your help to tell them all. You can use My Sacred Links to visit and leave a message on their blogs.

I don't know when I shall be online again. Still waiting for their technician to repair my PC. I was told it may take at least two weeks before I shall be online again.

Oo boy, how can you live without your beloved PC for two long weeks?

Please Michael, I'm counting on you. See you in two weeks time. Bye for now...

Scott W said...

Just keep writing, and just keep coming back!

You have been tagged again!

Pam Jarnagin said...

Yeah... About the tagging thing... Listing all the jobs I've ever had would just make me even more depressed that I don't have one now, so thanks, but I'm gonna pass on this one, Scott W.

Recovery Road London said...

If it's any consolation, I often watch an irrational man ranting on until I realise it's me...



Slowly getting better, though. Eh?

Take it easy, hon.


Shadow said...

hey! don't worry, we all get irrational at times... sometimes i wish i could knock some sense into myself.... aaanyway, starting with a personal trainer tonight, already feeling sorry for myself, he mentioned a 3km run. now that was so the wrong thing to say. if you don't hear from me again, i'm lying dead alongside the road somewhere, hee hee hee.

Trudging said...

Hang in there buddy! Oh and by the way, Keep Coming Back!

Grace said...

Youre tagged :-P

Anonymous said...

Dang girl I totally get you. Your honesty, I adore, and I need to relate to it right now.

Be real, I will nevver judge. Promise.

Unknown said...

I use to run a LOT. Then life started to balance somewhat and I stopped. I have never been able to really get going again. I have switched over to the yoga side :)

Have a great weekend. Too skinny can be as scary as too heavy.

Anonymous said...

Hi DG,

Stopping by to say hola. Something my sponsor told me (cuz I can truly really really relate to all you post) is that I have not lost my spiritual walk. Yes we may be on pause, but we have a new kind of knowledge.

I am figuring this all out too, with all those left over emotions.
