Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday Thankfulness

It's Tuesday, and I'm thankful.

Funny, because when I awoke this morning, we'd lost power, and that usually makes me extremely anxious and out of sorts. But, I think even that situation has intensified my awareness of being grateful!

Today, I'm grateful because:
  • I live in a country where, if a transformer breaks, it's not necessary for those in the community to pool their meager resources, purchase a new one, and arrange with the electric utility company to install it at their earliest convenience, which will not be for at least two weeks, and only after the necessary bribes have been paid.

  • I have had the experience of living in a third-world country and can appreciate a well-functioning infrastructure.

  • I live in a wonderful country, and I know not to take that blessing for granted.

  • I can now pass a wine display in the grocery store and not have a craving for a glass of wine.

  • I'm starting to see how showing up for life is the beginning of creating the life I want.

  • I've been sober for 45 days, and can see that this is so much better than not being sober.

  • I want to keep being sober more than I want to run away from life, my emotions, people, places and things.

  • I have wonderful blogging friends, and I'm starting to build real friendships with people I'm meeting here in the rooms.

  • I have a vibrant, kick-ass sponsor, who has a vibrant, kick-ass sponsor.


Scott W said...

Sounds like your move is paying off. Congrats on the 45 days!

Amerynthe said...

Nice legs, DG, but you really don't have to wear all your skirts at once!

Congrats on 45 days. I'm still 10 days behind you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 45 days, Designer Girl! What a great list too.

Trudging said...

Nice look! Also, you are right, we take a lot for granted in United Sates

Recovery Road London said...

You're right about infrastructure: we take so much for granted, or so it seems to me. I came home the other night and the water company had broken the pipe that supplies our building. Chaos! People having breakdowns!

Well done on 45 days: ODAAT.

Thanks for your kind words at my place.


K .x.

Gooey Munster said...

You have some excellent perception change girlie. I really love seeing this come out of you. And now 45 days, and some days may be not so good but you are not allowing the illusion of the drink take you down under.

You are blooming!

Mary Christine said...

Love the new look of your blog. And your 45 days. Keep coming back.

dAAve said...

Besides living in 2 cities in Nigeria, I've also lived in 10 other West African countries. So I TOTALLY know what you're talking about regarding infrastructure.