I feel so blue right now. Thank goodness tomorrow is my "Friday," my last day of work before my 2 consecutive days off.
It must be me. If it's not me, then why do I keep ending up with bosses who seem to excel in the art of beating me down and making me feel stupid and incompetent? Maybe it's just the nature of the southeast Florida real estate broker.
Or, maybe it really
is me. Maybe I
am just stupid and incompetent. I know I can't multi-task (a skill that, quite frankly, is overrated, if you ask me). I need to concentrate on one thing and complete it, rather than being scattered by umpteen different things to focus on at one time.
But apparently, being unable to multi-task is just one of my many failings.
I'm also slow.
I prefer to think of it as being careful and methodical, but if indeed I were careful and methodical, I probably would not keep making so many careless mistakes.
I really need to rewrite my resume, and take out all the things I've put on it that that turn out just not to be true.
Take out
ability to multi-task and
exceptional attention to detail and accuracy. Scratch
organizational skills and
efficiency. And
time-management skills? Who am I kidding??!!
Maybe myself, but no one else, and especially not my bosses.
So, I can sit here and feel sorry for myself and fish for sympathy, or I can look at my part, my defects of character, my poor habits, and I can start to examine myself honestly and figure out what I need to do to change these things that are detrimental to my job performance.
Because I do have a choice.
Maybe not in the way others think of me or view me, but in how I view myself and think of myself.
If I allow myself to stay stuck in my misery and feel like a victim, then nothing is going to change, and my sobriety will be threatened. If, instead, I keep turning this over to my Higher Power, asking for wisdom and direction in knowing how to change what needs changing, and then act on that, I will move forward.
Where forward is, I'm not sure. But, I know it's better than here.