Monday, December 18, 2006

100 days / skiing sober

This is a blatant request for HELP!!! and input from all you fellows and fellowettes out there.

Here's the deal. I'm going skiing in Vail, CO, January 13—21. I'm hugely psyched, I've started running to get in shape, I've got my skis, boots and poles, the travel arrangements have been made, and I'm 100 DAYS SOBER (100 Days!!! I didn't realize it 'til I just typed it!).

Last year, when I went skiing, though, I drank. I'll be with some of my same friends (at least one of whom knows I've quit drinking and am determined not to drink while there, and will support me) and others who don't know me. I'm intending to not drink, but I know I need to arm myself with more than good intentions.

Does anyone out there know of some good meetings I can go to while there? I've never been to Vail, so am not familiar with the layout of the town. I did look up an online listing of meetings there (scroll down the page to Vail), but I have no point of reference. I would imagine I can get to them via public transportation (which is very good in ski areas), once we get there, though. We're going to be staying at Landmark Tower.

Any tips you can give me will be appreciated. I'm so excited, because I know I'm going to ski so much better without alcohol in my system and minus the morning hangover, but I just don't want to take any chances on giving in to temptation, should it present itself.



Anonymous said...

Call the AA office in the area, they'll definitely hook you up!

Anonymous said...

yep. thats how it works here too. if you call the local (vacation area) aa no and tell them what hotel you ar staying in, they might very well help you out by offering lifts etc. main rule is to sort out meetings to go to BEFORE you get on the plane. as it all turns into a bit of a whirlwind once you set off and everything kind of goes by the wayside. oh yeah, and watch out for the sweet trolley! they put liqueurs in ALL the puddings! especially the choclatey gateaux's. even the ice cream. well thats what i find on any kind of holiday or fancy place here. have fun anyway. just make sure you get a load of local no's, or keep your standard aa phone no's handy. its LOVELY going to aa meetings on holiday!

Anonymous said...

Oops. dang blogger! it was stalling and hanging on the comments and taking AGES. oh well. you live and learn...

dAAve said...

In addition to a daily meeting while you're there ...
... take your Big Book and use it!
... make usre to have phone numbers handy of friends in recovery
... hit as many meetings as possible BEFORE you leave, just for a little added insurance
... pray
... have a GREAT time!!

Mary Christine said...

You have a friend in Colorado - granted I am in Denver, but still in the state. I just e-mailed you my phone number.

Scott M. Frey said...

Call MC!! That's the first most bestest advice I can think of. I think ya did the right thing, looking for meetings. Out of town meetings are AWESOME!! Check some out, and make sure the peeps you're going with (or at least one of them) know your situation. I rather imagine you'll get more help and support than you need! Also, good job letting everyone here know... cuz we'll all be praying for you! Congrats on your 100 days, AWESOME!!!!

Have fun skiing sober!

Meg Moran said...

Look for meetings really early in the will be beautiful. You'll be up and ready to kick the world in the ass, they'll be still sleepin it off. Have a great time!

Redhead Gal said...

DG, congratulations on 100 days~ that's awesome!!!!

You will find that skiing sober is a delight. Getting up to make first tracks without a hangover is sooo worth it.

You've gotten great advice about meetings. Now some practicalities: Hot chocolate--not the stuff from the machine in the lodge, but the designer stuff you get at a fancy restaurant. YUM. No need for alcohol. Same with hot apple cider. Throw a pat of butter on it and who needs the rum? It tastes great.

You can do it and you will have fun. Hell, some of your girlfriends may rethink their drinking habits.

Pam Jarnagin said...

This is great advice, everyone! Thanks so much!!!!

MC: I emailed you back. Look for my call in January!

IFOB: No problemo. I just deleted the duplicate postings. :D
And I don't eat dessert in restaurants, so I should be okay, but thanks for that tip. Sheesh, they try to get ya any way they can, don't they? (I am NOT paranoid!)

RG: Yum!!! I like your advice the bestest of ALL! (I'll be burning those extra calories up on the slopes, right?)

Tab: Check it out! Boots has 2 new posts with lotsa pics.

Meg: Oooh, that does sound lovely, and I'm not even a morning person. :)

dAAve, AAwoken, Scott: Great, wonderful, brilliant. :D Thanks so much for the sound practical advice, guys, and for being in my corner.

ALL: YOU ALL ROCK!!!! I loves me some awesome bloggin' peeps!

Gooey Munster said...

Well I am not gonna suggest anything because I think everyone has it covered above, some wonderful suggestions.

Allow yourself to have fun! And congrats on 100 days girl, that is such a blessing to see. Muah!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! BIG congratulations on your 100 day!!!!!! and if i can do a bike rally sober, you can do a skiing trip sober. i kept my beady eyes on all the pissed people, and told myself: hey, i'm not making a fool of myself like that! it worked like a charm.

Annabel Hine said...

Congratulations on 100 days. You will have a great time! I'm happy for you, and the tiniest bit envious (ahh, defects defects.)

When I went on vacation to London this summer, I had a great time and stayed sober, even though I had been wasted there before.

I did learn something the hard way though. It was really easy to get distracted by all the activities and socializing while I was there and forget to go to meetings. I didn't feel like drinking at all and thought I was doing fine. Then all of a sudden the spiritual rug slipped out from under me.

I got my butt to some meetings and felt much better. It was really fun to experience AA somewhere else. It had its own flavor, yet was still very familliar. I loved that.

The other thing that's always key for me, as far as navigating drinking situations, is checking my spiritual conditions and my motives. If I'm in good spiritual 'shape' and my reason for being in the situation are healthy, then I can go and have FUN! If I start to feel uncomfortable, I need an escape route i.e. "I'm exhausted. I'm going back to my room to rest." And then I can read some AA literature, or talk to someone and get that "high" from making a healthy choice for myself. I also get a little surge when I see everyone dragging themselves around in the morning and I feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

OK, sorry for the novel here. This is the first time I've been to your blog. I love finding new recovery blogs. Keep up the good work!

Pammie said...

100 days WOW !!!
Going to meetings in a different state than your own really really rocks. It will be one of the hi-lites of your trip.
The last time I was in Veil, I was drunk :(

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and 100 days is well cool! Anyway, thanks DG for the helpful comments! You star! Hope the christmas frenzy is somewhat under control down your end..