Thursday, August 05, 2010

Week Three and Smoke Free

It's hard to believe it's now 3 weeks since I've smoked, or will be by about 1:45 this afternoon.

In some ways, the time now lapsed seems interminably longer, and in some ways, incomprehensibly shorter.

I am STILL having cravings from time to time, some days more frequently than others.  I KNOW it's not really a physical urge anymore -- wasn't after 3 days, so I'm told -- but it damn sure FEELS physical when it's happening, and on the "bad" days, all I can do is grit my teeth and white knuckle my way through it nanosecond by nanosecond.

Hmmmm...  Sounds familiar to us alcoholics, doesn't it?  One day at a time, indeed.

I have SOOOO much more I want to share with all my faithful non-readers, but am going to keep this post short, as it is now 8:15 AM and already getting hot, Hot, HOT and I want to try going for a short run.

So, toodles for now -- more later!  (I know y'all can't wait!!)

P.SMary Christine, summer may be on it's way out in Denver, but it's just crankin' up here in Hollywood, FL!

P.P.S My husband, The Engineer, whom I had to ask if nanosecond was one word, just informed me that a nanosecond is one-billionth of a second, to which I replied, "Well, then it's DEFINITELY the right word!"


Shadow said...

congratulations! that is excellent!!! i wish i could. but that is still a 'one day' for me... keep it up!

Pam Jarnagin said...

Hey, Shadow. It will happen for you when it's the right time. I've tried unsuccessfully probably 4 times in the past 3 years. I wasn't ready. This time, I believe I AM ready, but time will tell. I've learned not to count my chickens too quickly, so this is just one day at a time.