Friday, August 06, 2010

Thy Will (Not Mine)

By this past Tuesday, when Roy had still heard nothing from the people with whom he interviewed for the Mississippi boy, he finally emailed the person who coordinated everything.

He received a response Wednesday stating they definitely want to hire him and are planning to make an offer.

Then came the salary expectation inquiry.

They are prepared to offer a figure much lower than Roy was expecting, although it was right in line with what I expected it to be.  Roy is having difficulty understanding and accepting that changing career directions, being in grad school for the past 7 years, and being a missionary for the 7 years prior to that means that he is now considered an entry level position candidate, with the corresponding pay scale.

This particular position is NOT entry level.  The position actually is perfect for his level of knowledge and experience and is in the field he has prepared for over the past 4 years.  The ONLY thing wrong with it is the salary, which is based on the level of funding available, rather than someone's belief  that he deserves no more than entry level compensation.

He  has taken the low offer very personally,though,  interpreting it as a personal affront and insult.  I read the entire email discussion, and it seems to me that they were trying to be fair and reasonable, and to offer him the highest salary they could given the constraints of funding approval, a current hiring and pay-increase freeze, etc., etc.

I suggested he hold off until the next morning before responding.  I pointed out to Roy that, although I completely understood how demoralizing the low offer was, that it was not meant as a personal insult to him.  I encouraged him to take the time he needed, but to try to separate his emotions from the business transaction, which is what this is.

He was able to compose a new response.  It was succinct and professional, stating his position, while leaving the door open.  Shortly after sending it, he received a reply stating that they would try to negotiate a somewhat higher figure before making a formal offer.

The proposed higher figure is still not the salary Roy would like and is not even close to his expectations of the general job market.  But it's realistic, it's doable for us, especially once I find a job and begin working as well.

And, except for the salary, it's his dream job, the goal for which he's been preparing so long and toward which he's worked so diligently.

So again, we're waiting for the next step, for them to actually make Roy a firm offer.  All we can do at this is point is to wait, hope and pray.

My prayer is that Roy will be offered the position at the slightly higher pay level, that he will accept the position, and that we'll shortly be moving to Mississippi.  As long as that is God's will for us.

I am also praying for God's will to be made clear to us, and if that means none of this comes to fruition, that I can accept the outcome graciously, trustingly, and with the sure expectation that God has something even better planned for us, and that His purpose for us will be revealed.

Kind of an exciting place to be.

Thy will be done.

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